Highway 141 along Caney Fork River blocked by construction March 2016
* Hwy 141 construction is now complete and the road is open
The road along the Caney Fork River from about a mile below Center Hill Dam to near Lancaster in Dekalb County Tennessee continues to be blocked by reconstruction
in the section that passes closest to the river. This section of road has been resurfaced many times only to subside towards and into the river. It’s great to get this
fixed permanently by going down to the bedrock and rebuilding but beware the detour for now.
Check with TDOT (Tennessee Department of Transportation) for updates.
Construction work on the roadway and nearby excavation of barrow site began Summer of 2015 and was expected to be completed in Fall of 2015.
The website has been indicating construction will be completed at the end of the month since November 2015, so beware.
See Caney Fork River maps page for alternative routes: Caney Fork River Maps
Photos of Highway 141 construction area along Caney Fork River were taken during a float trip on March 8 2016.
The only thing recognizable is the big flat rock tipped on it’s side. All but one tree has been dug up. They also have about a thousand feet of oil spill boom line protecting the island downstream from rock dust. The rock fill goes well into the river below water line. Photo was taken at 7500 CFS, two generators, TVA had turned off the sluice gates at the dam the day before.